17 Aug
17 Aug
7:50 p.m.
Hi all, Is there a way for unlocking off-brand transceivers usage on Arista switches? I've got an Arista 7050QX switch with 4.14 EOS version. Then it has been found out that Arista switches seem to not have possibility to unlock off-brand xcievers usage (by some service command or so). I've patched /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/XcvrAgent.py, made the checking function bypass the actual check and it helped: ports are not in errdisable state anymore. But despite of xceivers are detected correctly, links aren't coming up (they are in notconnect state). If anyone possibly have does have a sacred knowledge of bringing off-branded transceivers to life on Arista switches, your help'd be very appreciated. Thanks.