On 3/23/21 12:41 AM, Cynthia Revström via NANOG wrote:
And while Discord is not at all a replacement for mailing lists in my opinion, I think it's important to realize that it (and other chat based things like it) have their place, especially among the younger groups.
I believe that chat / IM most /definitely/ have their place along side mailing lists. To me they serve different purposes. IM(ns)HO chat is more real time, low latency, and low bandwidth communications with immediate gratification. Conversely mailing lists are decidedly not real time, higher latency, and higher bandwidth communications without the immediate gratification. There's a 3rd form of communications that I've not seen (or missed) in the discussions, that being the NANOG in person meetings. To me, all three forms of communications have their uses and can function as a compliment to each other. However, none of them are replacements for any of the others. It's also important to remember that the types of information that pass through each mode of communications are different. As such, it might be possible to actually improve the quality (SNR) of communications in each mode if we gravitate towards the mode that best suits the need. Real time discussions of ongoing events (including the "me / here too"s) may be better via Discord. Summaries and longer running discussions are probably better suited to a mailing list. And nothing will beat in person presentations at NANOG meetings (or recordings there of). Perhaps we should spend a few minutes thinking about what question(s) we're asking / point(s) that we're making. -- Grant. . . . unix || die