I did exactly that when I called. One is looking into the other hasn't called yet. I will let you know what they say. On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 12:59 PM Phil Lavin <phil.lavin@cloudcall.com> wrote:
Ask if they will configure BFD for you. I’ve not found many transit providers that will, but it’s worth a shot and it will lower failure detection to circa 1 second.
On 16 May 2018, at 17:49, Adam Kajtar <akajtar@wadsworthcity.org> wrote:
I could use static routes but I noticed since I moved to full routes I have had a lot fewer customer complaints about latency(especially when it comes to Voice and VPN traffic).
I wasn't using per-packet load balancing. I believe juniper default is per IP.
My timers are as follows Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30
Would I be correct in thinking I need to contact my ISP to lower these values?
An interesting note is when I had both ISPs connected into a single MX104 the failover was just a few seconds.
Thanks again.
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 8:42 PM Ben Cannon <ben@6by7.net> wrote:
Have you checked your timeouts ?
On May 15, 2018, at 4:09 PM, Kaiser, Erich <erich@gotfusion.net> wrote:
Do you need full routes? What about just a default route from BGP?
Erich Kaiser The Fusion Network erich@gotfusion.net Office: 815-570-3101
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 5:38 PM, Aaron Gould <aaron1@gvtc.com> wrote:
You sure it doesn't have something to do with 60 seconds * 3 = 180 secs of BGP neighbor Time out before it believes neighbor is dead and remove routes to that neighbor?
On May 15, 2018, at 9:10 AM, Adam Kajtar <akajtar@wadsworthcity.org> wrote:
I'm running two Juniper MX104s. Each MX has 1 ISP connected running BGP(full routes). iBGP is running between the routers via a two port 20G lag. When one of the ISPs fails, it can take upwards of 2 minutes for traffic to start flowing correctly. The router has the correct route in the routing table, but it doesn't install it in the forwarding table for the full two mins.
I have a few questions if anyone could answer them.
- What would a usual convergence time be for this setup? - Is there anything I could do speed this process up? (I tried Multipath) - Any tips and tricks would be much appreciated
Thanks in Advance -- Adam Kajtar Systems Administrator City of Wadsworth akajtar@wadsworthcity.org ----------------------------------------------------- http://www.wadsworthcity.com
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-- Adam Kajtar Systems Administrator, Safety Services City of Wadsworth Office 330.335.2865 Cell 330.485.6510 akajtar@wadsworthcity.org ----------------------------------------------------- http://www.wadsworthcity.com
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-- Adam Kajtar Systems Administrator, Safety Services City of Wadsworth Office 330.335.2865 Cell 330.485.6510 akajtar@wadsworthcity.org ----------------------------------------------------- http://www.wadsworthcity.com Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/cityofwadsworth>* |* Twitter <https://twitter.com/CityOfWadsworth> *|* Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/cityofwadsworth/> *|* YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCymlH-AZgvxTaHtgp3-AmDQ>