Gentlefolk, the US proposed rule taking over the Internet root servers has many issues that may be of concern to network operators. Here are two congressional offices that have expressed interest in electronic comments. They want to gauge current levels of interest by the community. If you live or have business offices in these areas, or somewhere near, please take a moment to send a short email to one of these representatives in the next few days. The congress members are in recess (that means at home) this week, and go back next Tuesday. Zoe Lofgren zoegram@lofgren.house.gov Please include a complete U.S. Postel address. Local Office: 635 North 1st Street, Suite B San Jose, CA 95112 tel: 408-271-8700 Washington: 318 Cannon Building Washington, D.C. 20515 tel: 202-225-3072 Constance A. Morella Rep.Morella@mail.house.gov. Be sure to include U.S. Postal address. Rockville (301) 424 - 3501 Office 51 Monroe Street, Suite 507 Rockville, Maryland 20850 Washington (202) 225 - 5341 Office 2228 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Some issues of particular concern are: - the proposed rule allows the US government to control "... policies and standards for those activities, including ... interoperability, privacy, security, ...." Do we really think it would be a good idea for the US government to control the standards for interoperability? Do we really think it would be a good idea for the US government to control the standards for privacy and security? Especially as operators, do we really think it would be a good idea for the US government to control the passwords and keys for the root servers? Please think hard about the consequences. Will they let your domain into the system (sign your NS records) unless you agree to escrow your server keys with them? - Since the announcement last year, we have been looking forward to the day (March 31) when NSI no longer has monopoly control over registration. The proposed rule extends the monopoly another 6 months (minimum), and control of the major domains indefinitely (at least 2 years). Do we really think that is a great idea? After a year has passed, and no plans for transition have been made by NSI? - The root servers are currently run by volunteers. The proposed rule would take over operation, and give it to a new corporation, set up by the US government. Are we having any real problems with our current servers? Do we really think it is a great idea for the US government to be actively involved at all?