I enabled on one of our routers. Justin Wilson j2sw@mtin.net — https://j2sw.com - All things jsw (AS209109) https://blog.j2sw.com - Podcast and Blog
On Feb 8, 2021, at 3:46 PM, Job Snijders via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
Dear Justin,
On Mon, Feb 08, 2021 at 03:14:47PM -0500, Justin Wilson (Lists) wrote:
It acts like the IP block was blacklisted at some point and got on some bad lists but I don’t want ti limit myself to that theory. I have opened up a ticket with ARIN asking for any guidance. Has anyone ran into this with new space assigned? Any tools, sites, etc. I can use to do further troubleshooting.
Here are some useful tools:
ping.pe example: http://ping.pe/www.openbsd.org
https://ring.nlnog.net/ good introduction here: https://labs.ripe.net/Members/martin_pels_3/10-years-of-nlnog-ring
The block in question is
Is there any specific IP address in the range that should always respond to ICMP Echo Requests? This will help others see if they can reach you or not.
It has been RPKI certified and has IRR entries.
Indeed, nice :-) http://irrexplorer.nlnog.net/search/
Kind regards,