My apologies. Apparently I was mistaken when I thought that other network operators might be interested in saving themselves the time and money of buying a broken piece of network equipment, which the manufacturer won't support. I made a rash assumption that such behavior from a vendor might be helpful knowledge to folks who might happen to be purchasing networking hardware in the future. Apparently you think that a mailing list of network operators is an inappropriate venue. I apologize, and encourage you to continue blathering on about DNSBLs and DJB vs. Vix, both much more edifying threads. Matt Ghali On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Matthew S. Hallacy wrote: What does your inability to get a $49 consumer device working have to do with NANOG? --matt@snark.net------------------------------------------<darwin>< The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke