At 10:43 AM -0400 5/17/01, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
An interesting note; has anyone else been assigned non-contiguous space when the contiguous block had been 'reserved' for you?
Yep. Same issue here.
For instance, we were assigned 64.21/17 about a year ago, with 64.21/16 reserved (we were told). It was then extended to a /17 + /18.
We went to get more, and now we've got some other /19 (they haven't actually assigned it).
The point is, if 64.21/16 had been reserved, as they had said was done, today we'd only be making one announcement; 64.21/16; instead, we have to announce a /17, /18, and a new /19, or three times the announcements.
On a grand scale, or even a moderate scale, three times the announcements is a significant amount.
Any comments?
In our case, our original registration (/19) was well over a year ago for our /20, and ARIN's documentation does state that the space is not held longer than that. We were literally in the process of asking for more space when the other side of the /19 was assigned to Napster. Luckily, Steve Rubin, (thanks again Steve, I still owe you dinner and drinks!) was very kind and after several gyrations on our part with ARIN, we were able to swap /20's to end up with a contiguous /19. In the spirit of full disclosure, we were being boneheads and using addresses in the reserved space under the mistaken assumption that since we were being allowed to advertise the whole /19, and had intent to use it, and were going to ask for the other side, it was OK to use that space. Not so. It would have been nice if ARIN had dropped an automated note to the effect of, "Hey, you've got x months to apply for this space before we re-assign it." Regards, Chris Kilbourn Chief Technical Officer _________________________________________________________________ digital.forest Phone: +1-877-720-0483 where Internet solutions grow Int'l: +1-425-483-0483 19515 North Creek Parkway Fax: +1-425-482-6871 Suite 314 http://www.forest.net Bothell, WA 98011 email: chrisk@forest.net