IPv6 has its own ethertype. (0x86DD) see the list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EtherType We've also encountered old IOSes that didn't forward Ethernet frames that contained IPv6 payload. On 06/09/2011 03:37 PM, Paul Graydon wrote:
Dumb question.. what does the switch (L2) have to do with IPv6 (L3), or is it one of those 'somewhere in between the two' things?
On 6/8/2011 1:08 PM, fredrik danerklint wrote:
Well, that's another problem.
To make a long story short, the network (not mine and I don't have any kind of control over that either) that my customers (including me) are using, did put in new equipment (a switch) over a year ago and after that I lost my IPv6 connection that I had previously. That switch does not support IPv6 it turns out.