What I find most amusing in the field of networking is the terms and titles various companies place upon them. Titles like "Infrastructure specialist", "Network analyst", and "Senior Specialist" often have me giggling as to the real meaning/position in a job posting. I think the funniest postings I see are the ones where obviously someone in a HR role posts the position and lumps together different aspects of the role trying to be filled, such as "Cisco MS Exchange expert" or "Firewall SQL Expert". Needless to say those are not titles I would be boasting about or would care to advertise. In short the last business card I handed out simply had the title MIS Dept. Its hard enough to explain some of the aspects of network engineering to my wife let alone a description of such on a business card. On one occasion my mother in law asked if I could get a discount on large amounts of food, I asked why she thought I could do such and her reply was "well you work with Sysco, a food services company"..... Needless to say it took a bit of time to explain that sysco was not cisco. Perhaps a brief description on the back of the card? Lol... Regards. -Joe