At 21:18 30/01/01 -0600, Bill Fumerola wrote:
On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 09:42:23PM -0500, Jason Legate wrote:
This is thrown together partially from the original sources of stream, and partially from my own ramblings, it was a quick and dirty hack, so there are parts of it that are messy. For testing purposes on a lan, if you want to verify packet headers, and not send as fast as it can, you can define SLOW.
Thank you for making available code that now _all_ the packet kids can use. Releasing this doesn't prove any theories, expose something new, or have any redeemable value whatsoever. The sound everyone hears is a collective orgasm of 12-year-olds with linux machines everywhere.
... or maybe they just saw http://www.tch.org/~ser/wtf2.jpg recently.
No reason to include that JPG! -Hank
-- Bill Fumerola <billf@FreeBSD.org>