Per Gregers Bilse <pgb@EU.net> writes:
You need to study some more (European) Internet history.
I certainly accept that, so with respect to your assertion that EUnet was "kicked out" of Ebone 6-7 years ago I decided to check on three obvious primary sources, viz. Frode, Kees Neggers and Glenn Kowack. The first choice was obviously the easiest. Frode (unsurprisingly) was surprised at your version of history. I was too, since it varied with what I remember seeing at the time (remember I have some UUNET history too :-) ). He also said that Ebone would be very happy to welcome EUnet back into the fold if the departure was due to some misunderstanding several years ago. I shall ask the other two at leisure today or tomorrow in email. BTW, since there are other people reading this who would make good primary sources, I welcome any historical retrospectives by private email.
Among other things, you seem to overlook
Which other things, out of curiosity? Admittedly I'm crippled by having a viewpoint firmly fixed in North America for the past few years, and I'm certainly open to different points of view with respect to the history of European Internetworking.
while Ebone had its US half circuits paid by the NSF, and Rick Adams lent us a big helping hand during those years.
Wow, this is a rat's nest. :) Um, my ICM memories are that in the first place Ebone was initially principally an academic consortium, but that as commercial traffic began appearing, NSF funding began disappearing. I believe (Steve Goldstein can correct me if I'm wrong) that Ebone generally acquired capacity on fractions of lines the NSF did not pay for. There is some fuzziness about the RENATER lines, and one could take several readings on the NORDUNET capacity over the past couple of years, but in any event, I think you will find that any indirect subsidy really didn't amount to all that much (Dr Goldstein's pockets are only so deep) and probably did go to the benefit of the NSF's community of interest, and in particular during the period when Ebone was still a consortium rather than the hybrid Association/Incorporation in place now. There is no question that Rick was a pioneer in investing in the international growth of the commercial Internet, and that alot of the proliferation of the Internet in Europe is due in some measure to him.
As you are probably aware, we have been on very friendly terms with Ebone for several years now.
Yup, EUnet is cool. Sean.