At 12:57 AM 9/18/99 -0400, David Diaz wrote:
could you post the draft on a web site and then take feedback. thanks
At this point the paper roughly describes the decision making process for a) identifying peering candidates, b) initial contacts and discussions, and c) methodology discussions, but it is based on only a handful of ISP interviews. I think it is premature to broadcast it out in its current form and would like to wait until the model goes through a few more stepwise refinements (more interviews and feedback). That is one of the reasons to present the decision tree paper and discuss it at the peering BOF. I've received about 30 or so folks that think the peering bof is a great idea, and it looks like we will probably be able to do this at the next NANOG. Peering folks - thanks for the feedback and don't forget to bring business cards to the Montreal NANOG ;-) See you in Montreal! Bill PS - I will share the abstract: Abstract Interviews with Internet Service Providers have highlighted three distinct decision phases that customers go through prior to selection of a particular peering solution: Identification (Traffic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis), Contact & Qualification (Initial Peering Negotiation), and Implementation (Peering Methodology Discussion). The first phases identifies the who and the why, while the last phase focuses on the how. This paper is based upon interviews with Internet Service Providers (specifically Peering Coordinators) and documents each of these phases that lead up to the selection of peering method and selection of Internet Business Exchange environments. The appendix includes a diagram highlighting the key questions asked when identifying peering candidates and determining the method of peering. ---------------------------------------------------------------- William B. Norton <wbn@equinix.com> +1 650.298.0400 x2225 Equinix Director of Business Development