On Sat, 28 Jun 2003, Vicky Rode wrote:
It would be easier to troubleshoot if you used a browser that returned a meaningful error message. "The page could not be found" could be just about anything. DNS, routing, broken link, etc. --------------- vickyr> i even tried the same thing under linux--->mozilla and i get site name not found which i believe is less meaningful than ie :)
"No such domain" is the Mozilla response. This points to a DNS issue, which is more useful than "Page could not be displayed". What does dig give you for the domain? How about dig with a different name server specified?
Also, you don't indicate if you're a Time Warner customer trying to reach web sites elsewhere or a non-customer trying to reach sites on the Time Warner network. Your IP address or ISP's network and the URL of the site you're trying to reach, for example. ----------------- vickyr> i'm a time warner end-user trying to access outside world which could be anything.
Nag their tech support.
Have you queried the Time Warner support staff? --------------- vickyr> yes i have and they think it could be the cable modem box and have issued a replacement. i sure hope they have a good stock because vickyr> i know whole bunch of people who are having similar problems.
It's those Warner Brothers Acme brand modems. Same outfit that makes all of Wile E.s stuff. It's probably also an Acme nameserver. Seriously, you should use some other tools such as name lookup to find the IP address of the site in question. If it fails with their default resolvers, try a different resolver. Then see if you can get to the site (or a default site on the same server) by IP address, use traceroute, etc.
maybe its time to buy some 3com stocks :)
If a whole bunch of people are having the same issue and they're all on Time Warner in your neck of the woods, it probably isn't the cable modem hardware. -- Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Administration - jay@west.net WestNet: Connecting you to the planet. 805 884-6323 WB6RDV NetLojix Communications, Inc. - http://www.netlojix.com/