Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 16:06:05 +0000 (GMT) From: "Christopher L. Morrow" <christopher.morrow@mci.com> Subject: Re: UUNET connectivity in Minneapolis, MN
On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 interex@inetica.com wrote:
we had a loss of comercial power(coned) in the downers grove terminal. terminal is up on generator power now.
that seems to map to the internal firedrill as well, anyone else hit by this event?
Electric utility had a sub-station burn up. resulting in a medium-sized geographic area without power -- something like 17,000 residences according to news reports (no numbers on 'commercial' custeomrs provided). AT&T has a facility in the affected area, and were also without utility power. Rumor mill says that Sprint had a (moderately small) number of T-3 circuits affected, as well.