In response to requests from several customers for a filtering solution at MAE EAST and MAE WEST, MFS WorldCom is developing an automated system to enable ISPs to control traffic destined for their own routers and networks. ISPs using this service will be able to specify, by IP address, which MAE-attached routers they wish to accept or block traffic from. On Monday, February 17th, MFS WorldCom will begin live alpha trials of this capability at MAE WEST with a small set of providers who have agreed to help us test this service option. We expect to extend the trial to MAE EAST shortly after and will notify you of the exact date. This means participating ISPs can begin filtering traffic to their routers at their discretion once the alpha period has started. Assuming the trial proceeds as expected, MFS WorldCom plans to introduce filtering as a new service option later in 1997. Please contact mae-info@mfst.com if you have any questions or concerns about the MAE filtering service. Steve Feldman