On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, Karl Denninger wrote:
I wouldn't have a problem with Digex setting up some web caches and encouraging customers to setup their own caches and have them talk to the Digex ones via ICP...but caching everything without our knowledge/consent stinks.
Sigh...... why did I know this kind of crap (hijacking connections) was going to start. Grrr.....
It's a good thing we got our own CIDR block when renumbering out of uunet space. If Digex doesn't reconsider this new policy, I'll be looking for quotes on non-proxied transit (T1 or Frame T1) in Gainesville, FL. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Spammers will be winnuked or Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient. ______http://inorganic5.fdt.net/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key____