It frightens me when I realize how long it's been since I was active in NANOG (2006?, but a lot before then). Happily, I'm surfacing from a lot of health and personal issues, and starting to do some consulting. *waves to lots of old friends, thinking of the time, in frustration, that I called VZ the employer of last resort for color-blind cable splicers. No long term insult intended.* I'm newly on the cable TV advisory commission for the Village of Chatham on Cape Cod, and trying to find other counterparts and specific experience. I am proposing that my committee take on a broader scope, to include municipal communications architecture not just with cable, but with town owned facilities/leased duct/carrier hotel, systematic cellular repeater towar placement and leasing, and WLANs among town buildings and possibly for residents. I'm also interacting with the emergency operations manager for various VHF, GETS/WPS telephony, and perhaps satellite. We're a fishing community with lots of marine band radio and satellite; the backup for the town and county emergency communications is 2-meter ham. Anyone else doing something like this? As a fishing and resort area, we'll be looking at providing WLAN connectivity in the harbor and nearby waters. We have an incumbent cable provider, which will not change this year. The committee advises the town on the contract and modifications. One area is that the town share of cable revenues is going down with more movie-over-IP and the like getting users to drop cable subscriptions. Cellular repeater rents might be one balancer. -- Howard C. Berkowitz 95 George Ryder Rd. Chatham, MA 02633 sy@netcases.net (509)241-1362 cell (866)262-6579 fax