Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org> writes:
This Can't End Well.
Why not? As people shift from watching broadcast channels to streaming content and look to shut off their cable TV service, but keep internet, the cable co's are just going to have to raise internet prices to compensate. I can see a future where you buy internet from the cable co and they give you the basic cable TV channel lineup at "no charge" but in reality, you're paying for the cable internet what you used to pay for both cable internet and TV.
Here in NoVA (Comcast former Adelpha territory), the future is now. I used to have internet-only service (there is little on TV that I care about). A bit over a year and a half ago, we added basic cable to the service. Total additional cost per month to go from Internet-only to Internet-plus-TV-bundle (same speed) was about $4. -r