Original message <m0uscvd-000F25C@roam.psg.com> From: randy@psg.com (Randy Bush) Date: Aug 19, 15:36 Subject: Re: Customer AS
just what i always wanted, two connections to a broken provider. you must be kidding. I guess this brings to mind the question: Why would you want *any* connections to a broken provider?
all providers break. -- End of excerpt from Randy Bush
Agreed. That can't be stressed enough. *ALL* providers break. Many of them choose different days and times to do so, and multihoming to different providers causes a huge increase in total reliability as a result. Speaking of broken providers, AGIS just mailed me and said that Sprint is "broken" today, and so they've decided to filter out Sprint routes until it gets fixed. Anyone know the _real_ story? -matthew kaufman