I will note that the grid in Loudoun county (arguably the center of the Northern Virginia data center boom) has actually gotten a LOT better than it was when I first moved here. Some of that was rebuild started before the surge, due to just how bad it was. But I am fairly sure that some of it is a side-effect of the build itself. Yours, Joel On 6/23/2023 6:17 PM, Sean Donelan wrote:
Northern Virginia has about 275 data centers
The noise complaints are about HVAC fan noise (24-hour droning) from cooling towers or roof top farms of evaporative condensers.
The water complaints are about the one-use water cooling towers
The electric grid complaints are about the demand on the grid making the entire region less stable and proposed construction of new high-voltage tower corridors for data centers.
And if you didn't know, some VC-funded companies can be a**-holes and not known for being good neighbors or anything besides making money.
And yes, I helped design & build several early data centers in NOVA :-)