Cisco marketing seems to have dropped the ball on this one, but IOS has had a feature that allows you to save a number of configurations, do diff's, and >generally behave similar to the JunOS method for quite a while. You'll want to check out the "archive" command.
The only thing I can tell that's really missing is "commit confirmed" in JunOS, and of course it operates differently so people may or may not like it.
-- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/ Yeah you are right it does have some JUNOS like feel.
-----Original Message----- From: Leo Bicknell [mailto:bicknell@ufp.org] Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 1:58 PM To: Michael Ruiz Cc: Jack Bates; nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Is Cisco equpiment de facto for you? In a message written on Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 01:48:27PM -0600, Michael Ruiz wrote:
Yeah another thing I love about the JUNOS is the rollback command. Whew I can tell you a few times where that has saved my bacon a few times and the commit and check command. :-)
Cisco marketing seems to have dropped the ball on this one, but IOS has had a feature that allows you to save a number of configurations, do diff's, and generally behave similar to the JunOS method for quite a while. You'll want to check out the "archive" command. http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/networking/?p=532 The only thing I can tell that's really missing is "commit confirmed" in JunOS, and of course it operates differently so people may or may not like it. -- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/