All, Looks like someone has catalogued all admin/billing/technical contacts and put them on a CD..... and is selling them. Could someone from the domains mentioned below take action against this fool ? The spam originated from a UUNet dialup account. 1Cust100.tnt2.sdg1.da.uu.net [] on Tue, 22 Sep 1998 21:16:21 -0700 (PDT). The web site is hosted by netaxs.net: Tracing the route to 1 24 msec 32 msec 24 msec 2 pennsauken.netaxs.com ( 152 msec 28 msec * 3 pennsauken-gw.mfs-phl.h5-0-45M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 72 msec * 68 msec 4 brain.phl-core.fe0-0-100M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 68 msec 40 msec 40 msec 5 phl-blt.balt-core.h0-0-45M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 32 msec 44 msec 36 msec 6 blt-dc.dc-core.h5-0-45M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 36 msec 36 msec 40 msec 7 dn-netaxs-gw.dc-core.h5-0-45M.netaxs.net ( [AS 4969] 48 msec 48 msec 40 msec 8 [AS 7019] 48 msec 48 msec 44 msec 9 * * [AS 7019] 80 msec -- Here's his domain information: Registrant: Techno Trade Online Solutions (DOMAINSONDISC-DOM) 4735 Clairemont Dr. #370 San Diego, CA 92117 US Domain Name: DOMAINSONDISC.COM Administrative Contact: Afifi, Sammy (SA5136) sales@DOMAINSONDISC.COM 619-274-2936 Technical Contact, Zone Contact: dnsadmin (DNS37-ORG) dnsadmin@DN.NET tel.: 703-642-2800 Fax- .: 703-642-3747 Billing Contact: Afifi, Sammy (SA5136) sales@DOMAINSONDISC.COM 619-274-2936 Record last updated on 04-Aug-98. Record created on 04-Aug-98. Database last updated on 23-Sep-98 04:50:10 EDT. Domain servers in listed order: NS1.DN.NET NS2.DN.NET NS3.DN.NET NS5.DN.NET -- And here's his lovely spam. It was sent to my admin account, which rarely hits the public 'net. He must be marketing this CD to the contacts themselves ! --
Received: from bbcgate.bbc.co.uk by sunf0.rd.bbc.co.uk; Wed, 23 Sep 98 05:17:27 BST Received: from goose.prod.itd.earthlink.net (goose.prod.itd.earthlink.net []) by bbcgate.bbc.co.uk (8.8.5/8.7.2) with ESMTP id FAA29405 for <brandon@rd.bbc.co.uk>; Wed, 23 Sep 1998 05:17:25 +0100 (BST) From: sammy@technotrade.com Received: from mail.earthlink.net (1Cust100.tnt2.sdg1.da.uu.net []) by goose.prod.itd.earthlink.net (8.8.7/8.8.5) with SMTP id VAA12849; Tue, 22 Sep 1998 21:16:21 -0700 (PDT) Message-Id: <199809230416.VAA12849@goose.prod.itd.earthlink.net> To: massmail_to_admins@technotrade.com Date: Wed, 23 Sep 98 21:13:51 EST Subject: InterNIC Email Addresses CD: $249
Every email address of every domain admin/tech/billing contact on the internet!
Only $249:
http://domainsondisk.com or http://domainsondisc.com
Domains On Disc is the most up-to-date, complete and searchable list of contact information for every registered .com, .net, .edu and .org domain name on the Internet.
You may now email offers for your products/services to 100,000's of prospects for pennies...
The internet will never be the same again!
----- End Included Message -----
************************************************** Andrea Di Lecce (416) 935-5700 Rogers@Home Network Operations 1 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, M4Y 2Y5 **************************************************