25 Apr
25 Apr
4:22 p.m.
On Friday, Apr 25, 2003, at 11:57 Canada/Eastern, John Payne wrote:
Tired old argument that completely misses the "with the exception of joe jobs" clause.
* jabley@isc.org (Joe Abley) [Fri 25 Apr 2003, 18:13 CEST]:
I don't need to forge my spam as being from any legitimate mailbox in order to promote a web site, and start off on the rapid spiral descent into insect nationhood.
You have been led to the water but still refuse to drink. A "Joe Job" is when bulk mail is sent out in your name in order to make you look bad. No services by the spammer are advertised, all he hopes to achieve is to get you a bad reputation or even disconnected. See Paul Wouters' recent mail to this august forum for a recent example of a joe job. -- Niels.