At 11:06 AM 4/19/2006, jim bartus wrote:
They claim to be full too, at least from a power perspective. They won't run us more power until the city council aproves them running more power to the building.
There are likely to be sub leases available from tenants in existing. desirable, colocation and a good way to find them is via brokers. Be aware of a few things that have recently transpired. On many of the public colo houses earnings calls, they told analysts that they are trying to keep contracts to one year so they can raise prices year over year, that power pricing is fluid and many facilities are being expanded both space and environmental, that most locations really are full or being held down by lack of cooling for existing dense rack space. Basically get ready to hold out your wallet. I'd try Internap as a last resort (but a great one). Internap presence is not always facilities based (they own) but they tend to take inventory in good colo, place PNAP's, and sublet adjoining cabinets as Internap space. The catch is that if the facility is out of power, Internap is subjected to the same issues by default. I'm suggesting Internap because they have a good footprint and there's bound to be something somewhere. -M< -- Martin Hannigan (c) 617-388-2663 Renesys Corporation (w) 617-395-8574 Member of Technical Staff Network Operations hannigan@renesys.com