Hello John , I notice an entry without definition within the first document . "Anti-Capture: An RIR must maintain governance rules and controls to prevent itself from becoming captured." Might be nice to either further explain this term "Captured" in the glossary or within the statemnet itself . Hth , JimL On Sat, 16 Nov 2024, John Curran wrote:
NANOGers -
In October 2023, the Number Resource Organization initiated a process to undertake a significant update to Internet Coordination Policy 2 (ICP-2); the policy which specifies the criteria for establishing new Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). The Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) has been tasked with managing the revision process, emphasizing community engagement and transparency.
The ASO AC has drafted a document which outlines the principles for the proposed ICP-2 Version 2 policy, and this document is available online for review here - https://www.nro.net/policy/internet-coordination-policy-2/proposed-icp-2-ver...
The ASO AC is actively seeking feedback from the Internet number resource community and the broader internet community on these proposed principles. At this stage, comments are being solicited on the principles themselves, rather than specific amendments to the text of the document. This collaborative approach aims to refine the principles before drafting a revised version of ICP-2 for further stakeholder input. To facilitate community engagement, there is a questionnaire seeking feedback that available in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. The questionnaire is designed to gather diverse perspectives and can be completed in approximately 7?10 minutes.
Recognizing the importance of comprehensive community input, the deadline for input has via the questionnaire has been extended to 6 December 2024.
If you have an interest in the governance principles that should be applicable to RIRs, and a moment available to provide input, please consider doing so. More details about the principles and questionnaire are available on the NRO website - https://www.nro.net/nro-announces-that-the-deadline-for-the-icp-2-questionna...
Thanks! /John
John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers
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