At 13:54 3/30/98 -0500, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
On Mon, Mar 30, 1998 at 01:11:25PM -0500, Chuck Gomes wrote:
Effective immediately, Network Solutions is introducing Domain Name Registration Agreement version 4.0 that will replace version 3.5. The new agreement reflects fee changes for domain name registrations and renewals following the elimination of the Intellectual Infrastructure Fund portion of the fee on April 1, 1998, pursuant to an amendment to Network Solutions' Cooperative Agreement with the National Science Foundation.
So, is NSI going to abide by _this_ version any better than they have with previous versions?
Please tell me that you're NOT holding your breath. NSI is maintaining that a Federal judge in the lawsuit against NSI ruling that collecting the IIF portion of the registration fee was an "illegal tax" had "absolutely nothing" to do with the change. And we all believe that mere coincidence, or cosmic alignment, caused the change in fees after it was ruled illegal. You'll also note that there's no mention of a refund of any of the fees, although since NSI was acting as an agent in the matter and could not spend the money it may not be their problem. BTW: Inter@ctive Week magazine did an article this week on the WhoIs problem at InterNIC (with contributions by yours truly). I haven't seen it yet (not a commonly-carried magazine 'round here) but it should be good. Spam: it's not just for breakfast anymore.... Dean Robb PC-Easy On-site computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]