Not that you wouldn't have looked already but at the moment too much information for me to consume I figured it would be worthwhile mentioning I case you didn't know or maybe others as well. ftp://ftp.cisco.com/pub/mibs/oid/ I've had some custom ones around in the past and if I can figure out where they are held I'll shoot them your way. -- Jason Hellenthal JJH48-ARIN On Jan 24, 2016, at 13:06, Lorell Hathcock <lorell@hathcock.org> wrote: All: Does anyone out there have some valuable OID's for a Cisco CMTS? The ones I am looking for are: Signal to Noise per upstream channel Cable Modem counts of all kinds connected / online ranging offline I opened a ticket through Cisco's help desk. I have a SmartNET contract for the unit, but they were not very helpful. The OIDs they suggested did not yield any useful data. ("0" when I know there are CMs connected, etc). Thanks in advance. Lorell Hathcock