----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Beverly" <rbeverly@rbeverly.net> To: <nanog@merit.edu> Cc: <afergan@mit.edu> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 22:21 Subject: Internet email performance study
(we previously posted this on the e2e mail list; apologies if you are reading it for the second time)
We're looking for operational-types lurking on the list with experience running large mail servers. In particular, we have collected a large amount of data as part of an Internet email performance study that we cannot entirely explain. If you can help us or are simply curious about our findings, we'd love to hear from you.
WHAT WE DID: Briefly, we used SMTP bounce-backs as the basis of an email active measurement survey. Using random addresses as unique identifiers, we measure latency, loss, paths, etc. to a large set of Internet MTAs. Approximately 1/3 of all servers we surveyed respond with bounce-backs. We've found some interesting results. For example latencies of days (30 days in once instance).
WHAT WE DON'T UNDERSTAND: Most servers behave as we expect, either always replying with bounce-backs or never replying. However, some exhibit odd and seemingly non-deterministic behavior. For example, a server will respond to all emails for weeks, and then reply to only a fraction (e.g., 25-75%) of the emails in a seemingly random pattern for some period of time (e.g, 4 hours). Further, we often see these patterns correlated within a domain (e.g., a subset of the MTAs will enter and exist this loss mode at the same time). We are fairly certain that the loss is an artifact of the MTA behavior or local administration. While we can guess reasons this might occur, we have yet to find an administrator who can explain this behavior with an architecture used in practice.
Well it could be many reasons for that depending on how you probe SMTPs. Some sysadmins block IP addresses that seem to be a spammer trying some addresses to send spam to; spammers try always to find a catch-all mail to flood with messages addressed to anything@thatdomain.com . Another possiblity is that the domains you are monitoring are on dynamic IP addresses that changes all the time and the gap when they become non-responsive could be due to delay in updating the DNS roots with new IP address. Also could be a non-dedicated mail servers, meaning that server is used for web and DNS and when overloaded try to shed some load out and usually the first service to disable is SMTP. Or that domain does have a lower priority mail server which happens to be down for maintenance but your DNS server is caching the data (IP address) of that mail server which should not happen as it has to retry the other MX record but remain a possiblity. I have not yet looked at the details on your URL but there are number of things to consider when doing such survey. 1. Where is your monitoring server located in relation to the being monitored servers / domains. You need to establish a datum for how far is that server or domain using PING to see how long the packet takes on round-trip just to role out the fact of networking / routing issues that may interfer into the results which you need for the respones of MTAs. 2. Study that domain using Dig to find MX records and DNS servers and if there are back up DNS somewhere near your network. 3. Of course as indicated above, you need to find out if the IP of that domain is static or dynamic. 4. Also, you need to monitor the load on your own server and DNS responses. What I'd suggest is to use MRTG to monitor the round-trip time using PING on the servers being monitored so you have real live data that helps in establishing your final findings. Also not to forget that some MTAs users have thier SMTP with a filter to reject SMTP traffic that is not behaving as normal with SMTP Greeting. If you need any further information or some logs, please send me an email to info@riyadhub.com
More details on the project including our exact methodology, plausible explanations for the loss and a FAQ are available on our web site: http://ana.lcs.mit.edu/emailtester
Rob Beverly / Mike Afergan