Marty asks the clueless newbie..
NBC is an ISP?
Bill decides to detail the whole list for the edification of the entire network community, exposing himself as a naive user and very weak politico. So yes Marty, NBC is an ISP... Network Bits Cabal - The newest ISP. :)
01- RealTimeRUs Net
ToysRUs & ILM/Disney spinoff
02- BlockbusterNet
Videos on demand
03- GameNet
Sega & Nintendo join forces
04- 1900
Smut online
05- MJ/PP music&videos
Michael & Prisilla Join forces w/ Prince & Madona to wipe out Music TV
06- TPCinc
Mr. Smyth does global printing
07- NBC
See above
Madison Ave sells the consumer dream
09- Sprint 10- MCI
Leave token existing players just so the whole market does not change. My Goodness, It sure seems that there is no sense of humor these days. -- --bill