On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 20:12:11 -0700 "George Bonser" <gbonser@seven.com> wrote:
* Stream Control Transport Protocol, first spec'd in 2000 (couldn't be deployed widely in IPv4 because of NATs)
I would dearly love to see SCTP take off. There are so many great potential applications for that protocol that it can boggle. Any type of connection between two things that might have several different kinds of data going back and forth at the same time could greatly benefit.
I agree. One application I'd though of was end-to-end Instant Messaging, where, when you wish to transfer a file to the other participant, a new SCTP stream is created for the file transfer within the existing SCTP connection. Not all that novel, but something that would be much easier to do with SCTP than TCP. Regards, Mark.