On 6/18/2011 4:14 PM, John R. Levine wrote:
If the USG operators said "sorry, the DOJ anti-trust rules don't allow us to serve a zone with .HONDA and .BACARDI", why would the the pressure be on them rather than on ICANN? Nobody outside the ICANN bubble cares about more TLDs.
I think the most inclusive root zone will win. Nobody is going to complain to their ISP that the website http://civc.honda/ 'works.' On the other hand if http://farmville.facebook/ doesn't...
How do you propose to do that? The addresses of the roots are hard wired into the config of a million DNS caches around the world. If it came to a fight between ICANN and the root operators, it is hard to see how ICANN could win.
Yes, but that list will be replaced by the list found during the normal query resolution process. Therefore if one or two of the IP addresses get replaced on the ICANN list of roots, the outsiders will get marginalized. I think that you'd need quite a few root server operators to join you in your mutiny if you want to ensure victory. -- Dave