Steven Haigh wrote:
On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 10:09:16AM +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
Vassili Tchersky wrote: [..]
XS4All (Netherlands) is providing the same service if I correctly remember. They used to have a product called "PowerDSL", which did IPv6 over PPPv6, but apparently due to changes in the infra they had to drop this. XS4all does still, since about 2001 or so, provide a tunnelbroker to their own users. Every user can simply go to the service.xs4all.nl site, and view/modify their tunnel + subnet configuration there. Only static tunnels are supported though (at least this is afaik).
It's kind of interesting that from 2001ish to current day and there is still only a handful of service providers worldwide that seem to offer *any* kind of support for IPv6.
After all the propaganda, is there actually any other major deployments in the IPv6 space?
I wonder how your Martian hands look like, they must have many many fingers. For a list of ISP's doing IPv6 check: http://www.sixxs.net/faq/connectivity/?faq=native For a long long list of Japanese providers see: http://www.ipv6style.jp/en/statistics/services/index.shtml As for all the ISP's who have received and are at least routing, check GRH (http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/)
From the ipv6.org web site, I see "Most of today's internet uses IPv4, which is now nearly twenty years old." - read as it works well!
That site is IMHO always quite out of date unfortunately. Greets, Jeroen