All very interesting discussion, but discussing it here on NANOG is probably about the worst idea ever -- No offense intended, I'm sure you had only good intentions. I will now go on to continue the discussion. <grin> As a sysadmin at a large ISP which provides DSL and dial (and hosting, colo, bla bla bla) I have to admit that I am very interested in seeing something like this happen (registration of mail servers, trustdb, anything...) as I've had a few similar thoughts in the past, but figured that something with such a global impact would be utterly unfeaseable (and likely is, but still it is fun to dream.) Spam definitely impacts services from time to time, even on the most robust servers I have. I catch customers spamming frequently (and of course follow through with my abuse team and suspend their account and kick them offline and clean their crap out of my queues, etc etc..) but the absolute worst is all the open proxies being used (not 3rd party mail relays, but hosts which are in fact not even mail servers at all, merely running an insecure proxy (socks, squid, analogx, etc..)) Anyhow, I don't want to go too far off topic, or rant about spam, or any of the other impolitic things folks do on this list, but I figured I'd let you all know that there's a sysadmin at a DSL provider who cares enough to show interest in this concept. :-) I'd have no issue with working on a system to allow customers to run their own mail servers. Then again, I'm not an engineer, or in marketing, or any of the other decision-making groups, so that'd be my opinion only I'm talking about there. (note: I rarely have time to read this list, it was pure accident that I switched to this mailbox and saw this thread, so if you wish to reply to me, please include me in the cc:--Thanks:) /wjr On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 03:25:50PM -0500, Robert A. Hayden wrote:
Yea. Good luck getting a DSL provider to swip an IP to you or to be willing to register an IP for you.
On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Robert Blayzor wrote:
What about individuals that run their own mail servers? (E.G. me).?
Get your mail server registered just like everyone else I suppose. If your address space is not registered to you directly, your ISP would have to do this for you. You're ISP would then handle any complaints (if any) from the registrar and coordinate it with you directly. I honestly like that idea because as a network operator, I like to know what customers are running mail servers on our network, where they are, and who owns them.
-- Robert Blayzor, BOFH INOC, LLC rblayzor@inoc.net
YOUR PC's broken and I'VE got a problem? -- The BOFH Slogan
-- +------------------+ | William Rockwood | Sr. System Administrator | wjr@op.xo.com | XO Communications, Chicago DCO +------------------+