My question here would be are these actual businesses or paper companies that exist for the sake of more nefarious scheme. I am certain that when 1 asserts that he represents another country that the web page they would write would be indicitive of things and or relating to things about that particular culture and the things they have to the offer the world and their cultural heritage and associated demographics that show gross national product with a breakdown into their repective catagories. Picking up the ring ring cloofon would be helpful in this instance. Henry R. Linneweh Sam Hayes Merritt, III wrote:
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Barry Shein wrote:
So, to spell it out, the question is not whether or not there are non-porn sites in the .to domain. The question is whether or not there are any Tongan activities in the Tongan domain? Since the US Consulate of the Kingdom of Tonga isn't even a Tongan site one wonders just what purpose this domain is serving.
Where does it say that to operated in a ccTLD you must physically be located in that country?
http://www.tongatapu.net.to/sponsors/moore/default.htm Moore Electronics Ltd., a company physically located in Tonga
http://www.tongatapu.net.to/sponsors/tess/default.htm Tonga Electronic Secretary Service, a company physically located in Tonga
http://www.tongatapu.net.to/tonga/news/default_l.htm is filled with lots of businesses in the Kingdom of Tonga
Since the above links prove that their is indeed Tongan activities, can we move on.
-- ¢4i1å