Ok, to elaborate: a relatively newly-refitted (abput 6 months ago, with B-STDX-9000's), but well-established network; very happy with general performance at layer 2 (FR and ATM), but occasional brainfarts at layer 3 (IP) over HSSI to other core hardware, mostly Cisco. Kindly avoid humorous anecdotes - I'd appreciate any substantive input from those who are qualified to offer such. On or off list. -brian :On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Brian Wallingford wrote: : :> :> Short and sweet - if anyone would be willing to discuss certain :> peculiarities (specifically IP-based issues when interoperating w/Cisco :> in the core), I'd appreciate a private email. Pending responses and :> interest, I'll summarize later. :> :> cheers, :> brian : :Ahhh... Crashcades. Simple fix for your issues: Trade them in for :Fore/Marconi equipment. Works like a charm. : :--- :John Fraizer :EnterZone, Inc