From: Bruce Robertson <bruce@greatbasin.net> ... Currently, one half of our /18 is being erroneously advertised by Sprint ( This, naturally, is causing us no end of trouble. Sprint, meanwhile, blames a third party. This has been going on for over 24 hours.
You have to make certain that your upstream provider(s) will accept all more specific routes from you for networks in your CIDR block. That way as soon as you notice a problem such as the one above for example, you could announce and to the world. Since you are announcing more specific routes you have immediately fixed your routing problem. THEN you beat up on the offender and offender's NSP to fix their announcement. -- Paul. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* | Paul W. Fakler | Senior Network Engineer | *---------------------------------*-------------------------------------* | Internet : pfakler@mr.net | MRNet | | My Desk : +1 612 362-5818 | Minnesota Regional Network | | Problems : +1 612 362-5800 | 2829 University Ave SE, Suite 200 | | FAX : +1 612 362-5899 | Minneapolis, MN 55414, USA | *---------------------------------*-------------------------------------*