From: "Joe McGuckin" <joe@via.net> Subject: Re: fcc ruling on dsl providers' access to infrastructure
On 8/7/05 7:20 PM, "Richard A Steenbergen" <ras@e-gerbil.net> wrote:
Maybe what we need is a certain class of company who will be responsible for running and maintaining the public data infrastructures. They could have lots of government regulations to ensure that they are charging a "fair" price while still being guaranteed a profit, and they could provide the last mile service for all those ISPs out there who are the ones that can actually compete and innovate.
Yes, it's called structural separation.
Curious what others might think about this, assuming it's not snake-oil: http://www.shorecliffcommunications.com/magazine/news.asp?news=4404 http://www.xgtechnology.com/plots.htm Very low power and could be deployed right now in the unused adjacent-channel NTSC VHF spectrum. VHF (and/or UHF) would seem to solve many of the problems with "wireless" --Michael