Christopher J. Wolff wrote:
Therefore, am I just as 'guilty' if I host A.B.C. Homes website, if they choose to advertise new homes in this clearly illegal manner? The A-Frame signs are a nuisance and use up professional time to remove, just like spam.
There has to be a line drawn somewhere, wouldn't you think?
A) many spam emails use html links to pull graphics from the spamvertised site. By continuing to let the site run, even more bandwidth is being utilized (especially with todays broken MUAs). B) most spammers make their money using their websites and not the spam itself. So long as the website exists, there will be a way for the spammer to propogate spam. Remember, it doesn't matter if the emailing account gets cancelled. Once the damage is done, the spammer can sit back and collect revenue via the website that was just adverted. However, if you cancel the website, the company ceases to generate revenue from the spam and is effectly shut down until they can bring the website back up *and* generate another spam run. C) there are rarely good real world analogies for problems that exist on the 'net. Not only does the 'net afford us speed and convenience in our ability to communicate, it also allows for abuse to be at increased speeds, volume and convenience. If different A-frame signs showed up each and every day in large quantities throughout the city, the city would not just confiscate the signs. They would file charges, and if the owner of the real estate is aware of such activity, the owner would be held liable, or city ordinances would be changed to allow the owner to be held liable. -Jack