Hi Mike, We have used octopussy ( http://www.8pussy.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=home yes it is work safe :-) ) with ok results. Have used sec ( simple event correlator http://simple-evcorr.sourceforge.net/ ) to some success in simple cases. Currently having another look at this myself and the following look interesting, but have not deployed them yet http://logstash.net/ http://graylog2.org/about Ben On 30 Sep 2011, at 14:50, harbor235 wrote:
What is everyone using to collect, alert, and analyze syslog data? I am looking for something that can generate reports as well as support multiple vendors. We have done some home grown stuff in the past but would be interested in something that incorprates all the best features.
Soalrwinds, splunk, fwanalog, and others come to mind, any other good ones out there?