I believe the work was done by BellCore for ANX. It was done by the folks at the Internet Architecture Research Lab in Morristown, NJ. You might try contacting somebody there... Ahmar Abbas UUNET Network and Systems Management.
From owner-nanog@merit.edu Wed Jun 11 15:12:25 1997 From: mcquaidj@netscout.com X-Lotus-FromDomain: FRONTIER To: nanog@merit.edu Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 12:42:13 -0400 Subject: Automotive Nextwork Certification Doc? Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type> : > text/plain> ; > charset=US-ASCII> Sender: owner-nanog@merit.edu Content-Length: 583
From: Jim McQuaid@FRONTIER on 06/11/97 12:42 PM
To: nanog@merit.edu cc: Subject: Automotive Nextwork Certification Doc?
At the Tampa NANOG someone commented that the ANX document calling out the network metric specifications was now available (for purchase) from them. I don't see this on their standard catalog / web site. Any clues about who/where/how to get this document?
Jim McQuaid
NetScout Systems, formerly Frontier Software (508) 244-4001 x 1456
mcquaidj@netscout.com / www.netscout.com
mcquaidj@frontier.com / www.frontier.com still works!