Well, it's not quite that simple. I run a global network so I buy lots of services in lots of countries and areas so I can tell you what out there even though I don't see FIOS commercials on my local TV channels, we are quite aware of the capabilities of FIOS and its competitors. I have lots of FIOS services, various cable services, Uverse, Xfinity, most carrier gig E services. I have both business class and residential services as well as dedicated fiber paths and microwave systems so yeah, I know what service is available just about anywhere you would like to discuss. Steven Naslund Chicago IL -----Original Message-----
From a Verizon press release last summer, all FIOS speeds are now symmetric.
And no one cares. I don't even see Verizon commercials crowing about how great it is to have symmetry. If customers loved it that much don't you think they would market that way?
You must not get out much. There's a whole Verizon ad campaign about "half fast Internet".
And no one seems to care about it. By the way, Verizon commercials do not run everywhere. Like Chicago or anywhere else that FIOS is not available.
So let me get this straight - you conclude that there are no commercials and opine that nobody cares because you're not seeing FIOS commercials that talk about how great their symmetry is... when you live in a place that there is no FIOS. It's almost as if someone knows how to target their marketing dollars isn't it? Shocking.
Steven Naslund Chicago IL
Rob Seastrom Leesburg VA 75 symmetric FIOS, 9.9ms to Equinix.