On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 19:16 +0200, Jeroen Massar wrote:
And to end this thread as this effectively ends Diginotar troubles for the Interwebz:
Dutch official statement: http://www.opta.nl/nl/actueel/alle-publicaties/publicatie/?id=3469
Bedankt. Vertaling (my own translation, niet slecht voor een buitenlander) .... OPTA regulates the Dutch communications market including consumer protection. OPTA has now ended the registration of Diginotar as a supplier of authorised certificates for electronic signatures. An investigation by OPTA revealed the trustworthiness of approved certificates from Diginotar can no longer be guaranteed. This means the business of issuing authorised certificates must stop and no new authorised certificates must be issued. -- With best regards, Paul. England, EU.