The portal should have some stats where you can do basic troubleshooting. It's really easy to get registered on the portal, you just need account number and customer name (which is scary, but go figure...). On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Michael Loftis <mloftis@wgops.com> wrote:
AFAIK theres no longer any way to get their attention unless you're a customer AND have signed up for their online portal system at https://my.level3.com/ - and I wouldn't expect anything stellar then either. You'll likely have to do your own troubleshooting through them as my recent experiences have shown little to no clue or assistance from them. They were happy to do as asked but weren't able, or willing, or whatever to do anything on their own. Make certain you get the problem category right too or you'll be stuck in the wrong team without any of them telling you that.
On Friday, June 26, 2015, Nathanael C. Cariaga < nathanael.cariaga@adec-innovations.com> wrote:
Any Level3 NOC contacts on the list? Our link in Irvine has been on and off for few minutes already. Would appreciate replies offline..
"Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors into trouble of all kinds." -- Samuel Butler