On 5/30/07, Michal Krsek <michal@krsek.cz> wrote:
Few weeks ago I had interesting discussion with *unnamed* Google VIP. His answer has been: "Google engineers doesn't see need to spend money on building IPv6 infrastructure. You, as user, can motivate them by sending request supporting this idea."
I see three main ways Google might use IPv6 infrastructure -- Using IPv6 for scanning IPv6-distributed web pages, at least for IPv6only pages -- Accepting search requests over IPv6 http for users who want that -- Glue, internal applications, etc. The first application is probably the most important - if there's (ostensibly, at least) content on the web that's only available via IPv6, they may still want it (though IPv4-only search engine users may not be able to get it except via Google's cache.) Internal applications might benefit from IPv6, but there's probably enough room in IPv4 for Google, at least for a while. IPv6 web users will need IPv6-to-IPv4 gateways for a while... ---- Thanks; Bill Note that this isn't my regular email account - It's still experimental so far. And Google probably logs and indexes everything you send it.