On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 measl@mfn.org wrote:
On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Randy Bush wrote:
you could be right. i guess it's time i sent them another donation.
Save it: the people MAPS has harmed neet it more.
MAPS doesn't harm people. People harm people. This is just like the guns argument. Guns don't kill. People kill. MAPS doesn't force themselves on anyone...and having one (or a few) centralized blacklists with informative web sites and clear policies is certainly better than the alternative (every ISP with their own blacklist, nobody having a clue how or the time to get off them all). -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route System Administrator | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________