AFAIK most you can get is a prefix-list per aut-num with the extended whois server. E.g. whois -h whois.radb.net \!gas2914 gives you all of the registered prefixes for AS 2914. If you want to have the same data for a given macro you have to first resolve the macro. E.g. whois-h whois.radb.net \iAS-VERIO,1 which recursively resolves all of the macros within AS-VERIO. I do this for the DE-CIX routeservers once a day to compile as- and prefix-lists. While as-lists may be useful I guess most of the prefix-lists are more or less useless. E.g. prefix-list has 10k entries whereas the actual announcement is about 1k prefixes. Arnold ----- Original Message ----- From: "Randy Bush" <randy@psg.com> To: <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 3:01 PM Subject: whois for just prefix list
irr whois servers seem to vary a bit. is there one simple query that, given an as-macro or aut-num, produces the list of prefixes one should accept?