Mikael Abrahamsson wrote: [..]
The world tends to change in 7 years. You seem to like bashing people for not knowing future policy and changes 7 year ahead of time, which I think it quite sad.
Not intended that way. What I was really surprised, and critical, of though is you mentioning that you say "So, out of our /32, if we assign each customer a /48 we can only support 65k customers. So in order to support millions of customers, we need a new allocation", which I read as "We got a /32 recently, but never thought that we should give /48's to endsites". Changes the interpretation quite a bit. But even in 2000 the policy was and still is: /128 for really a single device /64 if you know for sure that only one single subnet will ever be allocated. /48 for every other case (smart bet, should be used per default) As such, if you have near 60k customers then you should already have realized that you needed more than a /32, especially as you can then also guess that in a couple of years it will be quite a bit more. For the longer term, I guess 7 years might fall into that by now, thus if you got a /32 in 2000 and you had 10k customers then you should be fine. If you already had 200k customers or so and then only requested a /32 though I think one can definitely state you made a big booboo. Andy Davidson wrote: [..]
With respect, Jeroen, because I did *PLAN* (your emphasis) our organisational requirements, this is precisely the reason why I think it's significant that a lot of space was left unallocated following my allocation.
Correct, that is a good thing.
My RIR only asked me to *PLAN* two years in advance (see ripe-414 [footnote 0]), though prudent organisations may plan for longer. I thought it was significant (and good) to note that they are allow me room to grow sometime after that period.
Nothing wrong there indeed and you should indeed at least plan for two years and probably more, when adding HD ratio and some prospects one should easily come up with a pretty good ballpark figure of clients that you will be having. Unless you will suddenly in a year grow by 60k clients (might happen) or really insanely with other large amounts your initial planning should hold up for quite some while
If you offer the sweeping statement that anyone who ever needs to go back to the RIR for more space has made a 'mistake' with their requirement planning shows you're only thinking in an incredibly short term manner. Unless, of course, you are only used to working in companies which do not grow. :-)
As mentioned above, not the way I intended it to mean. Greets, Jeroen