People are missing the point here. This is _not_ a Comcast "issue" this same data is available to every single cable operator in the US who deploys bundled modem/router/APs that follow the CableLabs standard. They may or may not expose the data to their end customers, but it's stored in their systems and is often available to their support teams. http://mibs.cablelabs.com/MIBs/wireless/CLAB-WIFI-MIB-2017-09-07.txt The same thing applies to most FTTH and xDSL deployments. They use TR-069 to collect the data instead of SNMP but the object model is the same. The WiFi MIB above is explicitly built to mimic TR-181 functionality. Scott Helms On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 5:48 PM Rich Kulawiec <rsk@gsp.org> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 03:13:33PM +0000, Benjamin Sisco wrote:
The bigger concern should be the cleartext portion of the subject.
Yes, and the availability of all this to anyone who hacks Comcast customer support.