--On Monday, April 14, 2003 16:20 -0500 Stephen Sprunk <stephen@sprunk.org> wrote:
RIRs should allow a member to voluntarily renumber several disparate allocations into a single prefix. The original allocations would be forfeit after a reasonable renumbering period, e.g. 6 months. If the member has at least one PI allocation, they should be allowed to combine it with PA allocations into a new, larger PI allocation.
This proposal will be coming out for final call on ppml@arin.net shortly, slightly modified to address concerns raised on the mailing list and at
Thus spake "Alec H. Peterson" <ahp@hilander.com> the
public policy meeting last week in Memphis.
Not bad, but there's two specific things I'd add: 1. Entities should be able to trade in PA blocks as well, provided they are trading in at least one PI block. 2. The policy should explicitly state that no justification is required beyond that necessary to establish tenancy in the returned blocks. I'll wander over to ppml@arin.net, as it's apparently become more productive than it was in the past. S Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking