18 Jan
18 Jan
11:44 p.m.
On 19/01/2011, at 00.23, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
any adaptec bios-level fu out there? if so, please see http://archive.psg.com/110119.adaptec.pdf
Hi Randy, Did you see this bit about transfer speed issues? http://ask.adaptec.com/scripts/adaptec_tic.cfg/php.exe/enduser/std_adp.php?p... For those customers that are unable to update, or have a Series 2 (2045, 2405, 2405Q, 2805) or a low-port Series 5 (5405, 5405Z, 5445, 5805, 5805Z, 5085, 5805Z, 5805ZQ) controller, the Western Digital WD20EADS and WD2002FYPS drives will need to be jumpered down to 1.5Gb/sec in order to function properly (please refer to the specific jumper settings provided below).